Power of Perspective Worksheet

Use this worksheet to focus your learning as you watch the video clips. Make notes on each question as you watch. You will use these notes in the upcoming classroom activity. (And of course, the questions are meant to be answered in a general way; for example, not all 19th century Americans valued exactly the same things, but there was something of a consensus generally.)

1. What are some of the major components of the idea of Manifest Destiny?

2. What did the 19th century Americans value? Where did they look for their national identity?

3. How would you describe the Mexican perspective described in the clips? What did the Mexicans most value? Where did they look for their national identity?

4. What was the Indian perspective? What did the Indians value? Where did they look for their national identity as a people?

5. Think about ways that these different perspectives may have contributed to conflicts among these peoples.